Gabriela Dutra Caldeira, Iza Vieira Bornazakis, Regiane Pereira de Melo Lima, Izabel Cristina Feijó de Andrade


The theme of identity and difference was chosen to contemplate specific demands and articulate the requirements of legal norms, such as the Common National Curriculum Base and Law 11,645 / 2008, which establishes the obligation to teach Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture. This article aims to reflect on the appreciation of the process of constitution of identity and difference. Through a participative research carried out with the Pedagogical Residency Program, the observation strategy allowed problematization pertinent to our time. Understanding how the process of constitution of identity and difference takes place makes it possible to question what has been previously established and then to broaden perspectives and allow new reflections. This reflective exercise also allowed the development of the ability to use the participant observation technique encouraged by the Pedagogical Residence program.


Identity. Difference. Participatory research. Pedagogical Residence Program.

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